
About Amy Tiemann

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Suggested Questions for Dr. Amy Tiemann, Ph.D.

What is a Mojo Mom?

Motherhood has always brought change to women’s lives. How is the concept of Mojo a new idea for the current generation of Moms?

Becoming a parent is a big transformation. What was the hardest change you encountered going from a dynamic professional to a stay-at-home Mom?

How can working Moms and stay-at-home Moms work to support each other to end the so-called "Mommy Wars?"

You talk about finding time and space to pursue creative activities. Why is it so important for Moms to have a creative outlet?

"Mom guilt" is an issue that many women struggle with.  How can women give themselves the gift of letting go of guilt?

How does the concept of Mojo tie into women's leadership?

If you have been out of the workforce for a few years, what are the best ways to keep your resume fresh in preparation for a return to work?

You talk about six strands of Mom’s financial safety net. What are some of them?

What are some of the discussions a woman should have with her mate before the child is born?

How can men best help support their wives and help them get their Mojo back?

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